An open letter to kind Kaphas.

2 min readAug 23, 2023

You have a natural constitution predominant in earth and water elements. When kapha dosha is in balance your disposition is being affectionate, forgiving, patient, and steady. You have a sturdy muscle build with dense bones and a lifelong tendency to be overweight.

When kapha is out of balance you are lethargic, depressed, complacent, overtly emotional and reclusive. You suffer from excessive mucous, frequent colds or allergies, sluggish bowel movements, when in stress. You have a tendency to over-eat or do emotional eating. Women experience water retention, bloating, heaviness and develop polycystic ovarian syndrome with excessive kapha. Kapha dosha can be managed via a few lifestyle changes as mentioned below:

  • Get moving.

You feel content as you are but kick the inertia and start your day with some dynamic exercises. Get those lovely endorphins in your system and feel the “happiness rush”.

  • Keep fast.

You often feel heavy and sleepy after meals. Wish to feel light? Experience the lightness in your soul with a fast in every fortnight. Keeping a 12 hour window between your supper and breakfast will help detox you as well.

  • Sun bathe.

Maintain a healthy circadian rhythm by waking up early and taking some sunshine in the day.

  • Dry massage the body.

Wondering how to rekindle your digestive fire? Rejuvenate your body with a dry massage in the mornings and boost your metabolism naturally.

  • Stay away from sweets, cold, oily and heavy food items.

The minute you reach out for that extra serving or scoop remind yourself “ a moment on lips, lifetime on hips”. Remember food is for nourishment and not for indulgence. Incorporate bitter, astringent and pungent foods (in moderation) to keep your gut clean and healthy.

  • Eat your veggies.

Carbs feel like your best friends and proteins resemble happy acquaintances to you. But embrace the lightness of vegetables with warm natured spices and say bye-bye to sluggishness.

  • Step out of your comfort zone and beat the blues.

Life is full of things to do and learn, why settle for less. Challenge yourself with new work opportunities, activities and hobbies. Come out of your shell and experience dynamic life around you.

  • Be flexible not stubborn.

Yes, you feel strongly about your choices and feel the urge defend yourself at times but it doesn’t hurt to just listen with an open heart and mind at times. One who doesn’t bend, breaks. So yield to the changes and allow life to surprise you.

*A person may have a natural constitution (prakriti) with one or more doshas dominant from birth. Also one may experience other doshas imbalances (as vikriti) from time to time depending upon diet, age, lifestyle and everyday attitudes. So feel free to go through other doshas as well and see which ones resonate with you and see which ones resonate with you.

“Sri Kṛṣṇārpanamastu”.

