An open letter to passionate Pittas.

2 min readAug 21, 2023

You have a natural constitution predominant in fire and water elements. When pitta dosha is in balance your disposition is being focused, sharp, and ambitious. You have an athlete build, flexible joints, warm in extremities and easily gain or lose weight.

When pitta is out of balance you experience anger, irritability and tend to be short tempered. You suffer from fever, inflammation, headaches, acidity, acne troubles and diarrhoea, when in stress. You have sharp hunger and often experience headaches on skipping meals. Women experience inflammation, hot flashes, anemia post menses and tend to have heavy bleeding during periods. Pitta dosha can be managed via a few lifestyle changes as mentioned below:

  • Hydrate.

Yes work is important but so is keeping cool. Feel the tranquility of fresh water as you sip a glass of it every once in a while. Let it revive you.

  • Eat when you are hungry.

Things can wait. You work hard, give it all and so nourish yourself before you burn out. Remember you can do more good in the world when you have satiated the fire within.

  • Stay away from fried, salty and pungent foods.

You feel drawn towards them to find comfort but they leave you dry, burning and agitated. Embrace sweet, bitter and astringent tastes.

  • Melons are the best and sip a tender coconut with your best friend.

Tap into Nature’s bounty and replenish your vital energy with it’s juices.

  • Indulge in Coconut oil self-massage.

You may think “I have lots of me time”. In fact you are overwhelmed of being in your head all the time. Spend time with yourself non-verbally and allow your body to speak to you. And when it does just listen!

  • Take a walk in Moonlight.

You are very aware of Sun radiance but ethereal Moon misses you. Take time to bathe in silver moonlight in the evenings.

  • Let go of the perfectionist attitude and enjoy the ride.

Surrender to the moment. Yes it will feel great to accomplish tasks and check them all off the list. But believe that it can be all done beautifully only when you are happy doing them. Nurture the spirit of healthy motivation by reminding yourself that you learn by observing as well, not just by doing.

  • Be compassionate not critical.

Yes concern and criticism seem like two sides of the same coin and you get caught in this duality. Embrace the inner child within and practice self-love.

*A person may have a natural constitution (prakriti) with one or more doshas dominant from birth. Also one may experience other doshas imbalances (as vikriti) from time to time depending upon diet, age, lifestyle and everyday attitudes. So feel free to go through other doshas as well and see which ones resonate with you.

“Sri Kṛṣṇārpanamastu”.

