An open letter to vivacious Vatas.

2 min readAug 25, 2023

You have a natural constitution predominant in ether and air elements. When vata dosha is in balance your disposition is being creative, effervescent, and energetic. You have a lean build, thin frame with visible/prominent joints, coldness in extremities and have a tendency to be underweight.

When vata is out of balance you experience insomnia, anxiety, nervousness, and restlessness. You suffer from arthritis, excessive dryness in skin and hair, weight loss, weakness and constipation, when in stress. You have a tendency to over-eat or under-eat. Women tend to have lighter, irregular menses, experience lower back / abdominal pain and distention with vata disturbance. Vata dosha can be managed via a few lifestyle changes as mentioned below:

  • Stick to a routine.

You have an effervescent spirit. And feel naturally drawn to so many activities, most times at the expense of over-exerting yourself. Cut back on social media, excessive talking, frequent travels to maintain day to day routine for a happier and healthier you.

  • Less is more.

You are constantly on the go and often end up feeling depleted and fizzled. Try moving slowly through your exercise routine guided via breath and body sensations to feel grounded and calm.

  • Stay away from dry, cold, light and gassy food items.

You got enough of the air already. Get some earth and fire in your system by embracing sweet, sour and salt tastes.

  • Recharge yourself.

Refuel with warm, aptly greasy, easy-to-digest grains, heavy timely meals to maintain good energy and say goodbye to constipation.

  • Take that nap.

Yes, you got lots on your mind. But remember you can walk through that to-do list with breeze when you are well rested and calm. Don’t be shy from rest whenever your body demands it.

  • Get some “Me” time.

You love people around you but sometimes it is overwhelming. Indulge in a warm oil massage and bath, to rejuvenate your spirit.

  • Returning to a focused self by committing to the moment.

Practice presence in day to day activities, as your mind wanders gently tether it back to the task at the hand.

  • Believe in yourself and persevere.

You feel overwhelmed easily and fast. Focus, be optimistic and voilà, you will be on top of things in no time.

*A person may have a natural constitution (prakriti) with one or more doshas dominant from birth. Also one may experience other doshas imbalances (as vikriti) from time to time depending upon diet, age, lifestyle and everyday attitudes. So feel free to go through other doshas as well and see which ones resonate with you.

“Sri Kṛṣṇārpanamastu”.

